With all the worry over fuel prices, you'd think drivers would do whatever they can not to waste gas. But look around and you'll see lots of them tooling around as if they owned their own tanker fleet. One of them might be you. Click here for CNN's list of six ways drivers typically waste gas every on every trip - starting with racing away from green lights. Many of the tips are not only good for your wallet; they'll also keep you safe. For example, did you know that tailgating wastes gas? Every time the driver ahead taps his brakes, you have to slow down even more than he did. (That's because you can't react immediately so you have to slow even more because you're slowing down later.) Then you accelerate again to get back up to speed and resume your bumper-buzzing routine. Hang back and you'll be safer - plus you'll be able to drive more smoothly and use less fuel. A good rule of thumb is to allow two seconds of space between your car and the one ahead. For more gas-saving tips, click here.
Automakers Encourage Consumers to "Drive Smarter"
Automakers are joining a new campaign aimed at helping consumers cope with high gasoline prices by providing information on how to use less fuel. The campaign, launched today, features an interactive Web site at www.drivesmarterchallenge.org. The site will enable consumers to determine how much fuel their vehicles would save if they follow any of six conservation steps. The site also will show potential savings in money spent on fuel and in greenhouse gas emissions, organizers said. According to Automotive News, participants in the campaign include the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, which represents the Detroit 3, Toyota and six other automakers. Leading the campaign are the Wal-Mart Foundation and the Alliance to Save Energy, a coalition of businesses, government officials and advocacy groups.